Vegas Nerve Roll-On / Wrist Roll-On
Transmuting deep cellular patterning is assisted by using Vegas Nerve Roll-On or Wrist Roll-On.
Gurudas shares below:
“A cell is an open system allowing vibrational remedies to work…
“It must exchange matter, energy and information with the environment in order to survive in a balanced fashion…
Denial of a continuous balanced exchange of matter, energy, and information with the environment, the cell developes aberrant behavioral patterns. The cell membrane regulates these exchanges between itself and its environment.
Dissipative or Dynamic structures are one of the three principles of Thermodynamic states..This Dynamic state is known as FAR FROM EQUILIBRIUM
EQUILIBRIUM and Near EQUILIBRIUM being the other two…
Three Types of Thermodynamic Conditions:
- [ ] Isolated- no energy or matter flow across cellular boundaries
- [ ] Closed- energy flows across cellular boundaries but matter does not flow and matter stays in system as same material content
- [ ] Open system has both energy and matter crossing the cellular membranes
All biological systems not only are energy and matter needed in each cell but information must also cross the cellular membrane boundaries.
A continuous exchange of information, energy, matter with the cellular environment.
The System Co-Evolves and changes with changing environmental conditions of each cell; Vibrational remedies change the environmental conditions of each cell allowing the cell to transmute that change into a biologically significant response.”