Intuitive’s Open Circle Mentorship.


Prerequisite For: 40 Hour Certified Spiritual Healer In Daily Lifestyle Practices

Goddess Renata shares practices & tools she uses to create grace in her life. Her intention is to provide connecting bridges for you to :
Understand subtle energy communications.
What being part of the ripple effect means.
Create harmony in mist of chaos.
Create in your life bubble.
Claiming your authentic voice.
Recognize language of Higher Self.
Hearing your voice of Source.
Hearing your voice of Ego.
Embracing and integrating both.

Learn the Following Lifestyle Practices:
1.Emotional Freedom Tapping simplified (E.F.T.)
2.Emotional Parasite Release (E.P.R.)
4.Prayer of Protection/Deflection
5. Numerology Profile

Time: 2 Hours (TBA)
Monthly: Live Zoom Session
VlogCast: Conversations Along The Way with Goddess Renata & Friends.

$50 monthly. Cancel Anytime.